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E V Brooks
Advanced Member
Username: lia

Post Number: 1237
Registered: 12-2003
Posted on Wednesday, July 27, 2005 - 5:53 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Revision: Paint

This is truth bending from my palm--
I make myself taller on canvas.

Burnt Sienna and Cadmium
are the outline of my neck. A stem
reaching copper leaves that blow
backward from my ears. I have changed

my spine, the curve now defined
with thumbprints. Cobalt and Umber
weather the moss and bark
so I merge in the pattern-blues
of the hillside. The brush alters my smile,

Crimson Lake softened with linseed--
the most vibrant lines a water-sky
has ever seen. My limbs, a sentence
of flowers walking through tall grass.

The knife cuts Terra Rosa
across my shoulders-- a ledge
that bears every blow, offers seeds
to red kites and gives flight
to ravens. A wingspan
no wider than my arms, no wider
than my heart soaking Yellow Ochre
from sundown. I cover my feet

with a handprint-- Ultramarine
and stand back,
wet a cloth with turpentine
erasing the paint that made me.

(This is where I am so far, I've included many suggestions.. Thanks all)


I realise this idea has been done many times before,
but felt it was time to do my own
considering I pick up the brush now and again.

I'm very excited to see a new hard-crit forum.
I'm hiding under the desk... do your worst!

Original: Paint

This is truth bending from my palm--
I make myself taller on canvas.

Burnt sienna and cadmium
is the outline
of my neck. The stem in reach
with copper leaves
that air blows backwards
over my ears. I have changed

my spine, the curve now defined
with thumbprints. Cobalt, umber
and viridian weather the moss and bark
so I merge in the pattern-blues
of the hillside. The brush holds my smile,

crimson lake softened with linseed--
the most vivid lines a water-sky
has ever seen. My limbs, a sentence
of flowers walking through tall grass.

The knife cuts terra rosa
across my shoulders-- a ledge
that bears every blow, offers seeds
to red kites and gives flight
to ravens. A wing-span
no wider than my arms, no wider
than my heart soaking yellow ochre
from sundown. I cover my feet

with a handprint-- ultramarine
and stand back,
wet a cloth with turpentine
and scrub at the paint that made me.

(Message edited by lia on July 27, 2005)

(Message edited by lia on July 27, 2005)

(Message edited by lia on July 29, 2005)

(Message edited by lia on July 30, 2005)

(Message edited by lia on August 02, 2005)
Don Schaeffer
Advanced Member
Username: don_schaeffer

Post Number: 26
Registered: 12-2003
Posted on Wednesday, July 27, 2005 - 7:41 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Your poem is exquisite. You need no help from me. The only thing is your punctuation. It's a little unconventional in spots. You might want to think about it.

This is truth bending from my palm--
I make myself taller on canvas.

Burnt sienna and cadmium
is the outline
of my neck. The stem in reach
with copper leaves
that air blows backwards
over my ears. I have changed

my spine, the curve now defined
with thumbprints. Cobalt, umber
and viridian weather the moss and bark
so I merge in the pattern-blues
of the hillside. The brush holds my smile,

crimson lake softened with linseed--
the most vivid lines a water-sky
has ever seen. My limbs, a sentence
of flowers walking through tall grass.

The knife cuts terra rosa
across my shoulders-- a ledge
that bears every blow, offers seeds
to red kites and gives flight
to ravens. A wing-span
no wider than my arms, no wider
than my heart soaking yellow ochre
from sundown. I cover my feet

with a handprint-- ultramarine
and stand back,
wet a cloth with turpentine
and scrub at the paint that made me.
E V Brooks
Advanced Member
Username: lia

Post Number: 1242
Registered: 12-2003
Posted on Wednesday, July 27, 2005 - 4:01 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Kind Thanks Don. I must admit that punctuation isn't one of my strengths! I'll make your suggested changes to the piece in a moment.. Thank you.

kind regards
Username: twobyfour

Post Number: 66
Registered: 05-2005
Posted on Wednesday, July 27, 2005 - 4:08 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

hi lia

yes paint and poetry have been done many times but your extended metaphor of a self portrait perhaps not so widespread.

i imagine you wrote this from a picture in your mind and perhaps one in front of you, and thus some of the references are from that internal picture you're working from. unfortunately, the reader does not share the picture so some exposition is necessary to kind of give an anchor to the reading experience.

i'll get specific down below. i know, i'm talking in abstracts and you are thinking 'what the hell is he talking about?' lol

This is truth bending from my palm--
I make myself taller on canvas. i'm thinking a better word choice is out there than 'make'-- thesaurus time :-)

Burnt sienna and cadmium
is the outline 'are the outline'
of my neck. The stem in reach ok here is one of those internal picture things. you see a stem of some tree and refer to it here. but the reader is left with "stem, what stem, where did a stem come from? and what is it in reach of?"
with copper leaves
that air blows backwards again, 'copper leaves that air blows backwards' or is it 'copper leaves' and then a pause, then 'that air blows backwards' because of the ambiguity of the structure, its hard for the reader to get a clear picture from the poem which engenders some frustration and takes him/her out of the reading experience.
over my ears. I have changed

my spine, the curve now defined
with thumbprints. Cobalt, umber
and viridian weather the moss and bark i would stick with two colors here
so I merge in the pattern-blues very nice double meaning in this line turned on the word 'merge'
of the hillside. The brush holds my smile,

crimson lake softened with linseed-- is crimson lake a color or is there a crimson lake in the painting? again, the internal picture thing
the most vivid lines a water-sky i'd look for a better word than 'vivid' seems too abstract, try for a simile?
has ever seen. My limbs, a sentence
of flowers walking through tall grass. a very nice line

The knife cuts terra rosa palette knife?
across my shoulders-- a ledge
i would look at putting ledge in front of 'shoulders' to help that simile take flight. its to easy to miss this way. i.e., 'across the ledge of my shoulders that bear every blow...'
that bears every blow, offers seeds
to red kites and gives flight
to ravens. A wing-span
no wider than my arms, no wider
than my heart soaking yellow ochre
from sundown. I cover my feet nice

with a handprint-- ultramarine
and stand back,
wet a cloth with turpentine
and scrub at the paint that made me.ok you have a good ending but i wanted something a bit more unusual. perhaps more specific on what you would rub out. i.e., 'wet a cloth with turpentine and scrub off my eyes.' or mouth or ...'

this piece has much going for it, i hope you keep working on it.

hope this was some help.


E V Brooks
Advanced Member
Username: lia

Post Number: 1243
Registered: 12-2003
Posted on Wednesday, July 27, 2005 - 4:56 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

This is wonderful Steve! Thank you so much for spending time here. Your suggestions have helped a great deal.

I'll work through your suggestions tomorrow, but here are some answers to your questions that you've also made incase you want to add any further crit.

'stem'.. I origonally had:
'my neck-- the stem in reach
of copper leaves' (my neck being the stem.. which sets up the double meaning of being part of the landscape) you are right that I shouldn't break on 'leaves' as there's no pause. (leaves are hair)

'crimson lake' is an oil colour, may be I could hyphenate it?

yep, it's a palette knife

I must say that your suggestion with 'ledge' and 'vivid' is great. The ending might be a bit more difficult as I want to say that I scrub out the whole of me, but much to think about and sort through. I'll certainly keep working on it.. you've inspired me!
Thank you.

kind regards

LJ Cohen
Username: ljc

Post Number: 2561
Registered: 07-2002
Posted on Thursday, July 28, 2005 - 6:44 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Steve has already given you some great suggestions. I'll tack on my impressions here as well.


This is truth bending from my palm-- <--perhaps strike this line. I like the strength of the next line as an opening.
I make myself taller on canvas.

Burnt sienna and cadmium
is the outline
of my neck. The stem in reach
with copper leaves
that air blows backwards
over my ears. I have changed

A lot of passive voice here, along with the awk bit Steve pointed out. Maybe change to: 'Outline the stem of my neck/in burnt sienna and cadmium./The air blows copper/leaves over my ears. I have changed'

my spine, the curve now defined
with thumbprints. Cobalt, umber <--love this image
and viridian weather the moss and bark
so I merge in the pattern-blues
of the hillside. The brush holds my smile,

crimson lake softened with linseed--
the most vivid lines a water-sky
has ever seen. My limbs, a sentence
of flowers walking through tall grass. <--stellar line!

The knife cuts terra rosa
across my shoulders-- a ledge
that bears every blow, offers seeds
to red kites and gives flight
to ravens. A wing-span
no wider than my arms, no wider
than my heart soaking yellow ochre
from sundown. I cover my feet

with a handprint-- ultramarine
and stand back,
wet a cloth with turpentine
and scrub at the paint that made me.
?erasing every line that made me?"

perhaps italicize all the paint name colors?

Fine work, Lia.

E V Brooks
Advanced Member
Username: lia

Post Number: 1245
Registered: 12-2003
Posted on Thursday, July 28, 2005 - 3:31 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Thank you everso much ljc. I'm working through all suggestions made here including your own at the moment in 'word'. I'm trying to find a way to keep the language and rhyme of S2 without the complicated wording of it. So far I've come up with this..

'Burnt Sienna and Cadmium
are the outline
of my neck. A stem
in reach of copper leaves
that wind blows back
from my ears. I have changed'

..there's quite a few simplified word changes.. would love to know if this is any better..?

alternatively to italics, may be capitalizing them..
let me look at the paints a moment..
yes they are capitals.
what do you think..? (I've put capitals in S2 above)

I'll continue to look at the other suggestions now.

kind regards

(Message edited by lia on July 28, 2005)
E V Brooks
Advanced Member
Username: lia

Post Number: 1246
Registered: 12-2003
Posted on Friday, July 29, 2005 - 6:08 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

another thought..

Burnt Sienna and Cadmium
are the outline of my neck. A stem
reaching copper leaves that blow
backward from my ears. I have changed

Laurie Byro
Advanced Member
Username: lauriette

Post Number: 1118
Registered: 11-2003
Posted on Monday, August 01, 2005 - 5:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

excellent poem lia

I disagree with WCW who said "first thoughts, best thoughts"

I like the afterthought the best


E V Brooks
Advanced Member
Username: lia

Post Number: 1249
Registered: 12-2003
Posted on Tuesday, August 02, 2005 - 3:47 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

laurie, glad you came by to let me know.. I've been um-ing and ah-ing over that second S..
I've changed it, then put it back, changed it, then put it back again.. haha

I'll go and change it and try to leave it there!

thank you


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